The story goes like this…
Daddy was a cross country runner in his youth. He is now a long-distance walker. It’s part of his lifestyle to stay healthy. He walks at least six miles on weekdays. He wakes up at 4 a.m. and leaves the house at 4:30 a.m. He’s back around 6.30 a.m.; enough time to rest, shower, and then cook breakfast. This has been a four-year-old routine. I truly admire his discipline and dedication.
Three weeks ago, Nicholas approached me and said that he’d very much like to join his Dad’s early morning walks. But he wasn’t sure if Daddy will agree because morning walks serve as Daddy’s “me time.” I told Daddy about it but we didn’t tell Nicholas that Daddy knew as we waited for him to muster the courage to ask his Dad.
LAST week, on a Sunday, he finally did it.Continue reading“Morning walks with Dad”