Back in the Philippines sometime February 2014, I attended a parenting talk and the speaker, Maribel Sision-Dionisio, said that active parenting years is only 10 years (that’s from 0 to 10 years old). This means that you get to spend time with your kids in these 10 years without or very little undivided attention. After these 10 precious years, they usually prefer spending most of their time with friends.
The twins were seven months old when I attended the talk when publicist Anna Conejero sent an invitation to listen to Miss Maribel during an open house event of condominium property, Sundance Residences. The talk was scheduled at 5:30 p.m. I wasn’t at first keen about it because the time is normally the period when I slow things down from work. But Anna’s email said the talk is about “Disciplining with Love” and that got me very interested. I am writing about the said parenting talk in a local newspaper so I don’t want to completely divulge all that has been shared in the talk. In a nutshell, I realized that I should spend more time with the twins while they are young. They grow up so fast and before I even realized it they were already outgrowing their clothes. I was only pregnant yesterday and went as heavy as 193 lbs; and then suddenly, here are two babies, who collectively weight 19 kilos, screaming at me for another round of milk.
I prayed for twins. I really asked for them. My prayer was granted. As a steward of God’s creation and gifts, I take it as a serious responsibility to take care of my children. That is why, even if it takes so much energy and effort, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life this year – to stop working full time (for somebody or a company) and focus on the twins. Being a full-time Mom is a full-time job and I am pretty sure any Mother will agree with me on that statement. My twins are the most adorable pair in the world and I am just so superbly blessed to be given the chance to be a mother to them. No regrets on giving up employment and work opportunities for 2014. So Heavenly Father, thank you. I promise, I will be a good caretaker.
Thanks to the power of technology and my two-year-old Samsung Galaxy Note, I am able to document the twins’ daily progress. They crawl, they bump their heads, they get bruises that, often times, scares the life out of me. They talk to each other, they smile at their Dad (who used to be a stranger to them), they wrestle.
Below are photos of our first 10 days living here in Guangzhou, China. Nicholas and Antoinette, when you read this post and view these photos in the near future, please know that Nanay is not a good photographer but Samsung keeps me company so you have these… I love you. 🙂