I often wonder why most people only say the nice, flattering things to other people when they’re already dead – and not physically there to hear their generous, positive words. So much negative vibes in the way people are looking at the dead.
In the world of the living, gossip and talking “behind the back” of people we know and not know is as common as drinking water. For people living in what they presume is a democracy, many feel that they have the license to whack, slap and generally, pulverize the person’s reputation into ashes with rumor and small talk which are often biased, slanted and malicious.
Members of this cult are everywhere and they love the attention they’re getting when the subject of their torture crumbles to pieces, screaming in pain every time their harsh words whip hit their already fragile skin.
What is so wrong about saying a kind word or two? Or spreading good vibes by sharing inspirational stories or funny anecdotes where you laugh with the person and not AT the person? Why do we wait for our turn to deliver testimonials and eulogies before the good words are uttered? Are they too precious, too expensive to share while the person is still a breathing human being and not a cold non-living part of the ecosystem? Are human beings nowadays so incapable of communicating to one another that they prefer to say the good words to the dead? Or wait for the person to die before they become kind?
I hate to say that this is a generation of inconsiderate and insensitive whiners. I still cling to the thought that there is goodness in every single person inhabiting this” Good Earth”. The situation though is goodness has been shadowed by greed, envy, jealousy and pride that even with fair warning, goodness is just contented to remain in the dark.
Such a sad scenario.
I think people should be brave and stand tall against themselves; to become better, kinder versions of themselves and not just a bunch of rumormongers sitting in coffee shops waiting for their free refills.

T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.