When I decided to take up my Master’s Degree on Language and Literacy Education, I was certain that I will be blogging more on this page to share my journey and my learnings. But panic overtook my otherwise sane mind.
I did not expect that working on this degree via an online platform will be very demanding.
I have two subjects – and each one requires reading materials and books that are, most of the time, academic and technical by nature. If you ask me if I’m having fun, I’m going to tell you that I’m not. Every week is a struggle to read at least 30 pages of matters related to reading and language acquisition and then posting my views for the group discussion forum. There are no right and wrong answers in a discussion, of course, but you just can’t post anything; it must be well thought of, analyzed to a certain degree, and reflected on.
I’m not having fun. But what I’m learning in this course has made me appreciate the ability of the human brain to absorb and process information. I am in sheer awe every time I observe my twins communicate; they are the subjects of my case study and I am looking at handing my professor a paper on “twinteraction”.
Managing my time is my biggest struggle in this endeavour. It’s a huge challenge to juggle school work, wife duties, motherhood, writing job, household chores, and civic involvement. I don’t call myself Superwoman, because really, I’m not her. Every single day is a game of finding time to read, change diapers, snuggle-cuddle with the twins. It’s harder that I’m in Cebu because I want to bond with my brothers, chat with my sister, spend time with my nephew, talk with my Mom, organize storytelling sessions.
My sister is getting married on November 15 and I am not even sure yet what to wear. I have a paper due on the same day, two essays to write by Friday, and five articles to submit by Wednesday. Crazy times. Really crazy times.
We’re going back to Guangzhou on the 17th. I can’t really say I’m glad to leave Cebu; leaving will always be a bittersweet gesture to me. But, I think, I will have more peace and quiet in the city and country that is slowly becoming home to me, Jeff, and the twins.
Now, back to reading.

T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.