I was a full-time news reporter at 20 – straight from college graduation – and I was of the belief that no other galaxy within my universe can be as fast-paced as the media. Not to mention the amount of pressures and bumps one encounters along the road in the search for news.
I was wrong.
If only I knew.
Because really, I had no idea that everything in a home with children needs to be done fast.
Way faster.
A home with children defies physics, and the mother is the primary reason why this is possible. She is Mrs. Flash, who makes sure that milk is available every time the baby screams for food. She is Madame-No-Sleep because baby is sick and she has to stay awake to make sure no further harm befalls upon the precious little one. She is Mrs. I-Can-Smell-Trouble, who knows that something is not right when the normally upbeat two-year-old cutie pie tot suddenly turns silent.
I did not appreciate these things until I became a Mom.
My previous employment in the journalism and social development fields required immediate and direct actions to the pressing issues of the time. I never thought that Motherhood is the same. In fact, it is even more demanding because it involves individuals, human beings of my own fresh and blood, whose survival here on terra firma depends on the manner I take care of them. Of course, Heavenly Father watches over with love and guidance but He puts the responsibility of taking care of these tiny beings upon my shoulders (and Jeff’s).
One tough job so…
I decided to stop working for two years to focus my energy on being a full-time Mom. Actually, not really, I am working on finishing a Master’s Degree online but you know what I am talking about. It’s weird. Suddenly, I am spending most of my day inside the house when before I was the ultimate outdoor gal. What I am doing now is really not the me that I know. But I guess when you’re a mother, there is a part of your Former YOU that you give up to make a way to a New YOU that comes with your New Life. Jeff would say, “It is the way it is.”
I never expected that I could be this patient, this enduring, this organized. Honestly, there were very few times in the past that I placed the needs of others before myself. BUT these days, I often find myself thinking about what the twins need before I think about myself. Yes, that includes postponing the nail care appointment because I have to run to the baby store to buy more milk and baby wipes.
This is not being melodramatic or trying to appear selfless. Please. I am even surprised of this change including my newly-developed habit of sneaking inside the twins’ room at midnight to check if they are still breathing before I slip under my own covers and venture to Zzzzzzland until a shriek wakes me up for another round (make that two rounds) of diaper change and milk feeding. And this happens usually at 2:30 a.m., my bed time! Because yes, I am one of those night owls.
So… Motherhood?
It’s a thrilling ride. Like jumping off a cliff or…getting married!
It is an exhausting ride. But it’s one of those rides that I am willing to experience… bumps and humps included.

T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.