Sardines vegetable patties

This is another sardinas (sardines) dish to give our friends another recipe that is affordable and healthy.

For this recipe, we spent about P77 for the following:

  • Two cans of sardines: P42
  • Two medium-sized carrots: P35

We had eggs, flour, onion, and garlic on hand in our pantry. The malunggay leaves were harvested from our tiny garden.

You should be spending less than P100 for this recipe that is good for two to three people.

You can pair these patties with banana ketchup.

We cooked this for dinner with the help of Ate Joy. The plan was to eat them with rice but they easily became appetizers.

Check out the video below 👇

Sardines vegetable patties
Print Recipe
This is an easy-to-do recipe that transforms sardines into delicious, healthy patties. 🙂
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Sardines vegetable patties
Print Recipe
This is an easy-to-do recipe that transforms sardines into delicious, healthy patties. 🙂
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
  1. Separate the tomato sauce from the sardines. In a huge bowl, mash the sardines. Add minced garlic and onion.
  2. Add carrots and malunggay leaves.
  3. Add eggs followed by four tablespoons of flour. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper or your preferred seasoning.
  4. In a non-stick pan, pour two cups of cooking oil. Form patties using two tablespoons. Fry until golden brown.
  5. Serve with banana ketchup.
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