Meet Michael John T. Go of Philippine Christian Gospel School. I sat as one of the panelists of the school’s Literary Criticism Workshop where Michael presented his review of the television series, Game of Thrones. He noted that the show tackled the social hierarchy and the oppression of the people. In his conclusion, he believes that George R.R. Martin is a leftist and supports the destruction of the capitalist system. This made me want to start watching the series.
“I am not going to stop the wheel. I am going to break the wheel.”
-Daenerys Targaryen
Games of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, one of the most viewed television series, had a humble beginning as a novel in the mid-90s entitled A Game of Thrones. This book is, by far, the greatest accomplishment of George R.R. Martin. This book revolves around a social hierarchy in which every royal strives to take the Iron Throne. In the theory of Marxism, social classes cease to exist and there is one common class for all. Marxism does not have multiple bourgeois nor does it simply have proletariats; there is simply equality and one sole leading figure, and that is the undoing of A Game of Thrones.
As both viewers and readers have known, A Game of Thrones has tackled the social hierarchy and the oppression of the people. As reflected in the lives of Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister and Daenery Stormborn, Marxism has a large impact in their lives. It is evident in the instances of ascension to power, struggles of the proletariats and the destruction of social classes. As the series progresses, social hierarchy slowly dwindles, and more lords die an untimely death which leads to the question: Is A Game of Thrones for Marxism? George R.R. Martin has given hints and foreshadowing of the liberation of classes and the destruction of thousand year old houses that were betrayed by banner houses. Does Martin have a grand scheme where the houses fall apart from endless bickering, and thus create a new era of liberation? Is this grand scheme a scheme for Marxism? In this paper, I will be looking into three major characters and how they reflect different aspects of Marxism.
Jon Snow: A Case of Social Inequality
Social inequality is evident in the lives of everyone. Due to social inequality, bastards and lowborn are looked down upon and inherit nothing from his or her father, whether he be the son of a lord or from a rich family background. The best instance of this is Jon Snow.
Jon Snow, a bastard and illegitimate heir of House Stark, has been looked down upon by the North due to his status as a bastard and thus, illegitimacy to the Stark name. In his fourteen years of life, Jon has suffered from the knowledge of not being one of the Starks and has been constantly abused verbally by Catelyn Stark, the wife of Eddard Stark. It is only when Jon takes the black, an oath to protect the Southern kingdoms from the Northern men that he finds solace and a sense of belongingness as he is not the only bastard.
As time goes by, Jon has learned that in the Wall, social inequality is somewhat non-existent. All men are brothers of the Night’s Watch. Be it a lord or a bastard, all men are brothers on the Wall. This is a perfect example of Marxism as it shows no hierarchy and only equality. Each man has a job and all are treated equally be it he from the stewards or from the rangers. Jon Snow has seen Marxism firsthand and finds peace in it.
This show of equality from the Night’s Watch has contradicted the actions and behavior of the Southern Kingdoms. As is evident from the beginning, the Southern kingdoms show a practice of Social Inequality and petty politics as lords and ladies strive to take the Iron Throne from the current King. To them ascension to power is everything. One character that shows this is the Queen Regent herself Cersei Lannister.
Cersei Lannister: A Case of Social Hierarchy and Ascension to Power
To the Southern kingdom, power means everything. The more power one possesses, the more right one has to the Iron Throne. This is clearly shown by Cersei Lannister. Being a Lannister, she is the richest woman in all of the Seven Kingdoms. It is evident in her actions that she believes power is everything. Once she is threatened by someone she quickly disposes of the threat by cunning or brute force. She is the greatest example of a royal that would give anything to keep her power even at the cost of the lives of many innocents.
As the name suggests, A Game of Thrones is a game for the Iron Throne. It is not simply just wars and battles but a political warfare where cunning and the willpower to live is needed in order to win. In Marxism, this is the cause of many deaths from the proletariats. It is due to the petty politics of the bourgeois.
Cersei has shown cunning and the willpower to live in many occasions to keep her name. Accused of incest and of her son being a bastard and thus not the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, Cersei has shown time and time again just how ruthless a highborn can be once he or she is threatened by the loss of power. Drugging her husband and killing him, calling the City Watch and executing the Hand of the King, Cersei is the bourgeoisie of the extreme end of the spectrum who would do anything to keep her power.
It can also be said that all of this is temporary. As stated by the Economic law of motion, a Capitalist state will inevitably transition into a Socialist state. In A Game of Thrones, the catalyst for this change can be none other than Daenerys Stormborn.
Daenerys Stormborn: An End to Social Stratification
The Economic Law of Motion indicates that Capitalist states will inevitably transition into Socialist states over time. This is evident in A Game of Thrones as Daenerys Stormborn, a beggar from one of the free cities, ascends to power and commands a legion of soldiers, ships and three dragons. It must be said that these soldiers were once slaves who were trained to kill and were auctioned off to men who needed obedient soldiers. Daenerys frees the slaves and won their loyalty. They join her as she takes slave cities one after another to free more slaves.
This is what Marxism is about. It requires a revolution, be it peaceful or violent. This is what makes the Capitalist state crumble. One day someone will see the Capitalist system as wrong and unfair and will lead the people to revolt against this system and change everything the majority believed was normal. Daenerys has shown us that this is how Marxism will begin: with one differing opinion and the courage to stand against it.
To sum up this critical paper, George R.R. Martin has shown us that A Game of Thrones exhibits Marxism and the need of it in the Seven Kingdoms. It can also be believed that Martin may be a leftist and supports the destruction of the Capitalist system as it is believed to be inevitable for it to transition into a Socialist state one day.