I don’t normally do two posts in one day. But today, we learned that I am pregnant (again) with another chubby cheek so today, August 17, deserves a second post.
When I started posting in January of this year that I am pregnant again, a few friends asked me why I did not post it on this blog when this second pregnancy is a major event in the life of the Ruffolos – and thus, should be posted in this online bulletin board.
I intended to but one event happened after another (a month-long travel in February, getting robbed in March which left me stuck in the Philippines in April and the first week of May, the fiasco about the twins’ Chinese visas, and then moving here in the USA) so an announcement never happened.
On May 4, 2015, I had an ultrasound in Cebu (Philippines) on the 20th week of my pregnancy and was told that the baby looks like it’s a boy but the sonologist said I should have another ultrasound later to confirm the sex of the baby because the ultrasound image is not that clear.
With the challenge of moving to a new home and getting a regular babysitter to look after the twins while Jeff and I attend different appointments with the OB/GYN and my dietitian, we didn’t have the luxury of time to do another ultrasound. But thankfully, last Friday (August 14), Dr. John Lavin of Kalispell OB/GYN Associates advised that I need to see a perinatologist (a high-risk specialist in maternal-fetal care) becayse my fasting blood sugar is quite high and he wants to make sure that the baby is doing well in my womb. An ultrasound was also scheduled.
Today, after a thorough consultation/discussion with Dr. Debra Guinn, who told me that I need to take medication to control my fasting blood sugar level (which is beyond 95 mg/dL after 8-12 hours of fasting). we went to the sonogram room and had a wonderful sonologist named Beth “work” on my belly.
It took almost an hour to check everything. Every part of the baby was examined – and thankfully, everything looks and sounds healthy. I also asked if we can double check Baby No.3’s sex and Beth was more than willing to give in to my request.
She placed warm gel on my belly and moved around my big bump. And then…
And then…
There it was… an alien in my tummy with…

So… he’s a boy!
We already bought clothes for a baby boy so Jeff was joking that if we have a girl, she would have to wear boy clothes. Guess that now out of the discussion.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends, family members, stalkers, concerned bystanders or even those who don’t give a damn about what I am saying, presenting to you…
… Jeffrey Peter Ruffolo Jr. or JJ (Jeff Jr.)!
Due date is on the 15th of September, but I can give birth either the first week of September or the week after the 15th. My guess, from the way I’m feeling and from his position (he is now in cephalic position/head down), is that I am going to give birth on the first week of September.
I am not in the please-just-cut-me-open-and-take-out-this-alien-from-my-body mood. But I now feel Braxton-Hicks contractions. I feel him DOWN there. I feel him kicking my ribs. And… I wake up with heartburn.
We’re getting there, so to speak.
I was asked if I still feel that this pregnancy is special noting the fact that my first pregnancy was a twin pregnancy. My response? Not the usual line of “every pregnancy is different”.
This pregnancy is special because it traveled to seven countries in the course of 36 weeks and counting. This pregnancy is special because it made me experience what contractions are – which I didn’t feel (or I wasn’t aware of) during the first pregnancy. This pregnancy is special because JJ is a special in his very own unique way in the same breath that Nick and Toni are special individuals with unique and distinct qualities and personalities.
JJ covered his face with his hand while the sonologist tried to measure his head so she wasn’t sure if she can take a picture of his face. But… he moved and showed part of his face and we saw that he has chubby cheeks too!
Dr. Guinn, the perinatologist, came in after the ultrasound and she said everything looks good and the baby is not humongous. His size is enough for his gestational age.
Jeff and I went home with smiles on our faces with printed copies of JJ.
We’re proud parents to another blessing from Heavenly Father.
And I am one pregnant woman with another chubby cheek.