Mutants visiting the sick Nanay

I am down with fever, cough, and cold. We are in the hottest rage of Guangzhou summer. If we go out to do grocery shopping – which I did with my Mom and the twins two days ago – I expect to come home totally exhausted.  July and August are the most unbearable months here, you’ll be happy you’re home with your air-conditioning unit blasting cold air.  But the weather has proven to be crazy these days what with the heavy rainfall that we have been experiencing in the last four (maybe five?) days.

I am thankful that we (Jeff and I) decided to have Mom here than hiring someone for a month while Jeff is away in Nanjing for the Youth Olympic Games. Peace of mind and trust are two priceless states of being that cannot be bought or paid; two priceless states of being that can only be given to me by family members, my Mom most especially.

I have been quarantined. I haven’t kissed and hugged the twins for two days now. I asked Mom if I can just see them for five minutes and takes pictures with them. She obliged although very cautious and very careful about everything related to touching. Ugh!

Anyway, here are the photos of the mutants visiting the sick Nanay (mother).

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Loves of my life.
I miss you too, Tonikiks and Baniknik.
“Water for you Nanay.”