Fabulous February came and went like a visitor in a hurry.
But it didn’t just leave without any fun memories of the moments Jeff and I spent with the children. This month, I worked on the twins’ learning corner and made sure that we have hot dinner every day.
Road trips were taken over the weekends to Big Fork and White Fish. My class on short stories also started and I have been having a blast reading stories written by writers who are living and once lived in Montana.
Reading continues to be a habit in this home – and I’ve been on a buying rampage for books on child development. I’ve been reading more about this topic and the role of the parent as the teacher. Next stop is to buy more children’s books because… we can never have enough books at home.
Below are 29 photos especially chosen from close to 700 photos that were taken last month. I had a hard time choosing which photos will go to this album but after three hours, I finally succeeded.
Enjoy and may have you have marvelous month of March!
Still sleep on the same bed.
The twins are really asleep here. Jeff is just acting…
JJ loves to be with his twin siblings.
JJ: The happy baby
He can still sleep for four hours straight in the morning.
JJ’s heroes.
This girl stays up late when I do school-related tasks.
My failed attempt to take a group photo.
One of my favorite photos with the kids.
Little model.
Breathtaking shot taken during one of our road trips.
They still sleep beside each other.
Afternoon nap. Quiet!
Filipino goodies sent by my friend Third who’s based in New York!
Typical 9:00 a.m. scene at Casa Ruffolo
Random weekday dinner at Perkins.
When you tell him to smile, he smiles.
I’m big in the family selfie ‘genre’.
My babies…
Guess who’s like Mom who loves the camera.
Nicholas helping me out in my anti-bullying campaign.
Little boy can’t sleep anywhere.
Our learning corner at home.
Good moooorning!
They play, I read.
One of those moments I love.
First firstborn slipped into the covers and joined me on my bed.
Test photo for my review post on Human Nature balms.
I am a journalist, teacher and social development worker who is passionate about reading and storytelling. I am crazy about books and I love to make others feel the same. I am a wife to a very wonderful man named Jeff and stage mother to fraternal twins, Nicholas and Antoinette, and resident cutie pie, Jeff Junior. For anything, write me readingruffolos@gmail.com.