Dad Speak: Slow Saturday

So, what shall I write about?

Dad Speak - header 2016 - readingruffolos

This was the question that the REAL boss of Casa Ruffolo – that is my lovely wife Cris – poised to me this morning.

And here I was, relaxing in my easy chair with not a care in the world.

First a check of the news.

Nah – all the same polarizing political news about “He said this” or “She said that”.


Then Danielle (my oldest) Skyped in and was all bubby – she was just accepted into the Disney College Program for the second time. Dani will be going back to Anaheim, CA this coming August to work in the front desk of one or more of Disney’s varied hotels in its California Adventure Park.

The twins are watching cartoon called Dragon Tales at the foot of the couch where Cris is “vegging out” with a book in her hands and more books surrounding her ready to be devoured by her ever interested brain.

Wait just a second …

Yep – Baby Jeffrey just woke up.

Cris went into the bedroom to pull him out of his bassinet.

With one set of cartoons over, Cris just turned on “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” video version, which she happily discovered on Netflix.

The book – by Eric Carle – come to life.

These books and now cartoons are so real to the twins.

I can see the backs of Nick and Toni’s heads as they have their faces glued to the small pad/screen.

I just asked Cris how was the animation.

Her reply?

Just as good as the book.

We were all supposed to go to the library.

And I just asked Cris when would she want to leave?

Her reply?

“I think I’d just rather “veg” out here with my family. Including you Daddy!”