BY Jeff Ruffolo
Ever experienced writer’s block?
You’ve heard of it – when you sit for hours staring at a black piece of paper or white screen on your computer and agonizing endlessly on what to write. Deadlines come and go and yet you still just can’t make your fingers work on the keyboard.
You try and try in vain and yet the words simply never materialize.
Actually I have only experienced it a few times and for a dedicated writer, it is an awful feeling.
It came worse when I was writing my book about my experiences at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and for months I simply dreaded looking at the manuscript on the screen.
When I don’t want to write or read anything – when I am in one of those rare “veg-out” moods when all I want to do is sit in front of the television and turn off my brain – is when my mind truly goes into overdrive, concocting the most wildest “daydreams” and fantasies that I could only wish I would have put down in written form.
It’s been that way with “Dad Speak” and although this is not a mea-culpa, I admit that I could have done better in contributing to The Reading Ruffolos. Content on the Internet is everything and you have to agree that Cris has been doing a great job in keeping this site up and running. You try and manage two little (not so little anymore) mutants as a full time Mom, wife and master’s student would be daunting for any normal human.
Cris is far from normal and I’ve had the toughest time getting the bird feathers out of her cape and tights after she flies back from the grocery store.
As for me, trying to come anywhere close to what this superwoman does every day would have me screaming in the night, shaved head and worn orange robes by now, heading to the tallest point in Guangzhou to begin chanting.
So, with this said, I promise to re-dedicate myself to Dad Speak and help out our website mistress whenever possible.
Keep reading everyone – write every day and you too will get past your own writer’s block.
Or … just pass the remote control and that bag of peanuts please!