Time is a funny thing.
Isn’t it?
Cris went to Manila earlier this week to attend the Miss Universe coronation event – she had previously attended the swimsuit presentation here in Cebu as a working journalist for the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
While she was gone, I came to then find out that Cris had longed to attend a Miss Universe coronation event … pretty much all of her childhood life to present day.
I am glad she went.
But in the short three days she was gone – I came to find that time moves differently without her.
It has been said that when people die – or are gone away from you for extended periods of time – that the universe has a gaping hole within it that gravity and time work feverishly to fold into itself.
But for this mortal, time without Cris moved ever so slowly and gravity lost all form and substance.
Oh how I missed her.

I won’t tell her this – it’s just between you and me Dear Reader – but there was a gaping hole in my world for far too long.
It seemed as though time stood still and the minutes without Cris crept by as the proverbial thief in the night.
And with every minute took a small slice – ever so noticeable – of my soul along with it.
My life seems so totally irrelevant without this person in it.
Yes, yes, I know, she was only gone for a few days.
Which lasted a lifetime.
I am so glad that Cris could fullfil, what for her, was a lifetime dream. She is so connected to beauty pageants here in the Philippines that I took great joy in reading her “play by play” of every moment of the Miss Universe pageant, as well as her dissecting the event through her “post-game” Facebook postings.
Watch out NFL!
Many times Cris and I are in the same room together and we never say a word. Especially so when one of us is writing a story as we are in the flow of writing – not to be disturbed.
But I sense her presence every moment. I don’t need to speak with her to know that my place in the universe is okay.
Why is that?
Well the answer is simple.
Because …
Cris is and ever will be MY Miss Universe …