Dear Cris Evert,
You waited for the sun to set so you can finally say that the school year ended.
You imagined this day, July 10, to close with you on a stage surrounded by parents and children alike clapping and cheering as multi-colored asterisks of fireworks burst on the night sky.
“You did it! You did it!” screamed the faceless crowd in your fantasy, sounding like Dora the Explorer alongside her best buddy, Boots.
The buffet table is filled with your favorites: the slow-cooked humba with its fats jiggling like jello; thousands of lumpia rolled and fried to perfection; the one-dish meal bam-i with slivers of meat and chicken liver; and the charcoal-roasted lechon, its skin crispy and golden brown ready for a horde of visitors to rip its luscious body apart.
Endless taps on the shoulders, handshakes, nods, and smiles came your way as you tried your best to look and sound humble.
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