And Now… Friday’s Picture Feature!

People often thank God because it’s Friday.


Friday means the end of a work week to many people. Friday marks the start of a weekend of rest or fun. Friday signals a time where everyone can slow things down and admire the beauty of HIS creation.

We, at The Reading Ruffolos, thank Friday because it means that we are taking a rest from the usual blog format of telling stories using more texts and a number of photos.

Beginning January 10, our Fridays will be devoted to… Picture Feature!


What exactly is Picture Feature?

Well, it is more than just two words that rhyme. Picture Feature will present storytelling sessions that I (Cris Evert) have been part of usually as a volunteer of the Inquirer Read-along Team, The Basadours and Ate-Kuya Children’s Welfare (a loose organization I co-started with my good friend and artist, Binky Ceniza). We will be sharing pictures and pictures of our adventures in the world of storytelling. Yes, I have not forgotten and still promise to write about the stories of the Inquirer Read-along, the Basadours and Ate-Kuya. 


basadours logo croppedAte Kuya Children's Welfare logoPicture Feature, as the name suggests, will be a photo play accompanied with a background story of what transpired before the session. These sessions were held all over Cebu and the Visayas region and the experience of meeting children has truly been a collage of enriching experiences that inspired not just me but those who became part of it. The photos are taken by The Reading Ruffolos or photographers, who have given their consent to publish their photos in this blog. 

These pictures will tell you stories of fun, excitement and learning. If you are interested to organize a storytelling/read-along session, let us know and we will connect you to the persons-in-charge of the organizations mentioned above.

So hop in and join us as we say thank you for Friday. Welcome to Friday’s Picture Feature!